Nota do Bem APKBarcode Scanner APKСканер штрих-кодов APKماسح الرمز الشريطي APKBarkod Tarayıcısı APK바코드 스캐너 APKQRコードスキャナー APKबारकोड स्कैनर APK条码扫描器 APK條碼掃描器 APKБаркод Скенер APKBarra-kode Eskanerra APKסורק ברקודים APKСканер штрих-кодів APK
Nota do Bem helps institutions to receive donations through the invoice
You can donate that note that you do not put your CPF at the time of purchase to a charity institution! You can do this through our application, simply and quickly it captures and digitizes the note by sending it directly to the institution you choose from those registered in the system.
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