Nomos Jurídico APP
Due to the hustle and bustle of the student's day to day contest, it is necessary to optimize the study for public tenders. Bearing in mind that the already extensive number of laws foreseen in the calls for tenders, are growing more and more, we seek to provide you with a platform that facilitates your study. It is important to know how to study strategically; reducing study time and increasing quality. The collection of the “Dry Law” is responsible for more than 70% of the questions of the tests of public tenders. With all this in mind, Nomos Jurídico developed a study platform based on statistical analysis, bringing to the student, in a dynamic and organized way, the articles and laws most demanded in the different public tenders. With our platform (available on website and application) it is possible to carry out a study directed by bank of contest, Institution, subjects. This makes the student prioritize in his study the most demanded subjects, either because they are inherent to the desired position or because they are articles of law that newsstands usually make "pranks". Come with us in this study revolution!
You are one step closer to leveraging your studies for the objective tests of public tenders. Make your subscription opting for the annual, semiannual plan or to have access to all content made available by Nomos Jurídico This will give you access to the statistical content of the most charged, simulated articles and much more. In our search tool, find the most charged articles of the desired competition, filtering by law, year, institution and subject. All articles will be listed based on your research and you will have access, after signing the plan, to the statements of questions that have already covered the content of that article studied, which will help you to understand how the article studied is usually charged by the various banks of public tenders.