Nómades App: movilidad docente APP
Nómades arises from one of the problems that all teachers face when entering the Spanish public education system: mobility.
With this app you will control your situation in the job markets (availability according to CCAA). Nomads App allows you to:
- Know your position in real time in lists.
- Easily see if you've moved up or down.
- Add searches in as many different bags as you want.
We update your searches every so often, so you don't miss a thing!
In addition, you will have all the information about job offers (vacancies) in your territory (availability according to CCAA). Nomads App makes it easy for you:
- Access the list of positions offered.
- See your exact location on an interactive map.
- Know the distance to the center from your position.
- Contact the educational center directly.
You can create as many searches as you want and obtain all the information on the vacancies: type of position and/or call, province, reason for leaving, expected date of termination, etc.
Your position in lists and vacancies offered in the same place. Simple and fast!
In addition, Nómades App is a very powerful exchange search engine, for those interns/officials who have obtained a destination far from their family, friends and place of residence.
You will multiply your chances of finding a provisional exchange or a definitive exchange in two simple steps!
1. Create your user profile for free and easily, entering the educational center where you are currently assigned.
2. Choose some search criteria according to your wishes and needs (by time, by distance, by costs...) and from a point of origin (your home, second home, a city wherever you want move...).
From here, we will take care of searching for you, 24 hours a day, all possible matches with other users, and notifying you when this happens. Then, you can chat to solve any doubts and accept the exchange if you are convinced.
Our trade-in search doesn't work like the forums or groups you already know. Hundreds of offers published by other teachers will not appear here, among which you have to search for compatible ones. We will only show you the ones that match your criteria, saving you work and time.
Who is behind Nomads?
We are a group of teachers who, like you, have been facing the same situation of need for years. We fully understand the system, its complexities and limitations. We want to simplify the process, automate it and maximize the chances of success.
Why can't I check my position data and vacancies in my Autonomous Community?
Nómades App will gradually integrate all the CCAAs in which it is possible to extract this data. There are communities in which it is very complex to obtain information about the position in lists or job offers, so it will be impossible for us to integrate them. Check availability on our social networks.
If I find a person to exchange with in the Nomades App, is the exchange official?
Nómades is an app whose sole purpose is to put people in contact for a possible swap or provisional exchange. We DO NOT legally manage said swap or exchange. Once you have found that person, you must follow the legal steps specified by each community to make the exchange effective.