NOAA Aviation Live Sky Weather APP
Search for weather stations and airports all over the World.
- More than 20000 weather stations available
- Check the weather stations directly from the map
- Search weather station or airport by name, description, region, US state, or geolocation (latitude, longitude - GPS location service supported)
- Feature nearest airports to check TAF from closest airports
- Save your favorite weather stations so that you can access them quickly
- If offline, lastly available aviations observations will always be accessible for every stations
- Coverage the whole World.
Available weather data:
- Latitude, longitude and altimeter of the stations
- Current weather conditions
- Sunrise and sunset time
- Wind degree and wind speed
- Sky cover condition, global weather information
- Air temperature, dew point and precipitations
- Flight category
IMPORTANT NOTE: With this App we display all the AVAILABLE weather and forecast data provided by the Aviation Weather Center and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). If you don't see METAR or TAF data, or anything else, please understand it is not our fault but a lack of information at the source. Hence, do not leave (please) a bad review for something we can't fix, as on reviews depends our survival on the market.
If you find a mistake or typos in the app, please email us at Thanks.