Word beter wakker met slimme alarm met bewegingssensor + geluidsrecorder!

Laatste Versie

16 dec. 2013
Google Play ID

App APKs

SleepBot - Sleep Cycle Alarm APP

Kom er achter wat er echt gebeurd in dat derde ding van je leven...
Slim cyclus alarm + Bewegingssensor + Geluidrecorder + Slaap tekort log + Data analyse + Trend grafieken + Slaap hulp + Auto Wifi/Stilte/Vliegtuig modes + Exporteren + Synchroniseren met mysleepbot.com

De compleet nieuwe Sleepbot is er eindelijk! We’ve spent months developing a beautiful, intuitive sleep cycle tracker and dependable optimal alarm that lets you customize your sleep tracking. Neem je bewegingen en geluiden op tijdens de nacht en wordt elke morgen beter wakker tijdens lichte slaap.

- Zet en pas meerdere alarmen aan voor juow partner als meldingen
- Pas makkelijk het slimme alarm, bewegingssensor en geluidsrecorder aan
- Simple punch-in using widget, options for auto-silence and airplane mode
- Bevat slimme oplossingen om in slaap te vallen en wakker te blijven

Sleepbot now contains the most comprehensive sleep analysis on the market—
- Tap detailed motion/sound graphs to play back sleep talk, snores, etc.
- Direct comparison between movement and sound correlations
- Trend graphs (length, sleep/wake times, pattern) to see your sleep quality over time
- Review your sleep statistics, debt log, and averages
- Never lose your sleep data – automatic backup to view and share at mysleepbot.com

Sleepbot is the only sleep application that includes: motion and sound graphs, sleep debt log, statistics, trend graphs (averages, sleep/wake times, patterns), multiple custom alarms, resources to help you fall asleep and stay awake and is completely free!

*** Supported by:
~ Gentle Alarm
~ Relax & Sleep
~ Tasker

SleepBot is recognized by the United States National Institute of Health and the National Academy of Engineering as the First Place Winner of "Go Viral To Improve Health" competition.

**Note: New permissions. Google Account permission allows us to let you sign up and login using your Google Account. Read Phone state allow users to punch in online and deliver the message to the right phone with the right account.
Explanation of all permissions: http://developer.mysleepbot.com/why-permissions

Thanks for your patience-- we made it and couldn't have done it without you!! This is our first version with smart alarm and tracking options, so please let us know if there are any problems and how we can improve. Again, thanks to our users and more updates soon! :) - SleepBot Team

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