Juno APP
DISCOVER: Juno’s discover page provides you with reads recommended by friends, or suggested reads based on your interests. We don’t curate the content and will never do this. You are in charge.
COLLECTIONS: Create your own reading lists to save and organise the articles, blogs, and stories you save along the way. Reading lists are visible for other users by standard, but you can also make them private if you prefer.
SEARCH: Search for anything on the Juno platform. Reads, writers, friends, topic, and so on.
FOR READERS: We are working hard on improving Juno and adding new features. Currently we are in the process of adding an e-reader feature that enables you to read every online blog, article, or story in a reader friendly format. Next to that we are working on a social stream where users can repost the things they read.
FOR WRITERS: In the near future we want to enables writers to host content on Juno. This part of Juno comes with an online editor.