De oude Cyanide & Happiness-app

Laatste Versie

27 nov. 2020
Google Play ID

App APKs

Cyanide & Happiness (Legacy) APP

NOTE: The new Cyanide & Happiness app is now live and this one will no longer be maintained. If you already purchased this app, you can get a discounted upgrade for the new app (review the in-app upgrade information for more) — tapping the "Tap Here To Activate" button will also carry over your old favorites (even if you choose not to purchase the upgrade).

If you have NOT already purchased this app, please download the new one! Thanks for supporting C&H.


It's the Cyanide and Happiness app! With a hot updated interface and killer new features, this app is the way to get your daily C&H fix.

Thanks everyone for all of your continued support, comments and reviews!

Features include:

+ Comic Archive: Get access to all 1,800+ C&H comics in an easy-navigable archive. Get new comics the second they're available, or somehow bend the rules of space and time and get them even earlier!

+ Portrait/Landscape viewing.

+ Favorites: Save your favorite comics for quick viewing later. Impress your friends! Impress your enemies! Impress otherwise apathetic people! It's really versatile!

+ Animated Shorts: Watch streaming C&H animated shorts from the comfort of anywhere. Yes, even there.

+ News: Read all about upcoming events, books, announcements, the works!

+ Seizure Mode
Meer informatie
