Niqturbo APP
Enough of bureaucracies. Solve everything digitally, in a simple, fast and efficient way, at Niqturbo you have free national coverage and we attend to all area codes.
✅ Digital Payment
At Niqturbo you don't have to go to the lottery to pay your bill, that's a thing of the past! You do everything through the app, pay by PIX, Boleto, Credit Card and Debit.
✅ Portability
And if you want, you can bring your number to Niqturbo.
✅ Giants that do not expire
If you have your plan up to date, the Gigas you don't use will ACCUMULATE for the next month!
✅ Free National Roaming
Travel throughout Brazil and pay no fees to use your cell phone outside your state. ✈️
✅ All Area Codes in Brazil
You can activate your line with any area code in Brazil.