Ninja Level Up GAME
The story begins 14 years ago with a young boy who is washed ashore in Japan. He is taken up by an old sensei and trained in the ways of the ninja. After he is stuck by misfortune, he must use his new ninja skills to honor his sensei and get vengeance on his enemies.
Ninja Level Up was build with the dungeon crawler gameplay style in mind, and is designed from the ground up to be a quick and easy pick up and play roleplaying game that you can learn in just a few minutes time. Play it at school, work, on the bus, or while sitting in traffic (obey all traffic laws).
If you like ninjas, RPG's, or were a fan of the original Level Up and Deimos games, then you are going to love Ninja Level Up! There is also a lot more story and content to come, so leave suggestions in the comments on what you think should happen next!