Nhiếp Phong GAME
The Legendary Expression Game is a turn-based MMORPG role-playing game. Players will transform into one of four basic classes including: Knight, Mage, Tu Chan, and Warrior. Corresponding to these classes are the skills specific to each discipline. However, the point that makes players attractive is that this class can easily learn skills of another class. This will create surprise and drama in PK battles between players.
Phong Van game suitable for all models with sharp images, superior to the games on the market. The Game runs smoothly, the image and context are also quite diverse, causing excitement for players.
Besides, it is impossible to ignore the mission system, huge item store and features of Phong Van Truyen Ky. Starting at level 30 onwards, players actually enter the "matrix" of PVTK. Only with 4 character classes divided into 2 East-West factions but the equipment and weapons of the PVTK up to thousands of items. Diverse task lines and sub-versions, not to mention PK maps, will make gamers fall into this role-playing game.
Gameplay system rich and many special features unmatched in other mobile games such as:
- Character trading system
- Avatar fan system can be shared directly on Facebook, players can "show off" the toxicity and beauty of their characters ...
- Marriage system
- PK in any position, regardless of class.
- Challenging and mysterious arena system
Phong Phong Truyen Ky is the perfect successor of the game genre, promoting the outstanding advantages of the top features in the mobile game series.
In addition, in the international version, the game Phong Van Truyen Ky is also known as The World, famous and selected by a large number of players.