NEW! Discover your fare: Find the fare for the journeys you are planning whether you want to buy a mobile ticket in advance or pay on the bus.
Mobile Tickets Purchase mobile tickets securely with a debit/credit card and show the driver when boarding - no more searching for cash!
Live Departures: Browse and view bus stops on the map, explore upcoming departures, or check out the routes from a stop to see where you could travel next.
Journey Planning: Plan your commute, trip to the shops or night out with friends. With an upgraded planning engine it’ll be even easier to plan your trip with NCT.
Timetables: We’ve squeezed all of our routes and bus times into the palm of your hand.
Favourites: We’ve simplified saving favourites based on your feedback, so now you can quickly save your favourite Departure Boards, Timetables and Journeys, with quick access from one convenient menu.
Disruptions: You’ll be able to keep up to date with service changes directly from our Twitter feed inside the app.
As always, we welcome your feedback. You can send it to us via the app.