NCERT Class 10 Books APP
Mathematics Books :-
1. Mathematics NCERT
English Books:-
1. First Flight
2. Foot Prints
3. Literature Reader
Science Books:-
1. Science NCERT
Hindi Books:-
1. Kshtij -2 (10th)
2. Sparsh (10th)
3. Kritika(10th)
4. Sanchayan-2 (10th)
Social Studies Books:-
1. Contemporary India
2. Understanding Economic Development
3. India and the Contemporary World-II
4. Democratic Politics
Sanskrit Books:-
1. Manika
2. shemushi
Unique Features of This App:-
* All NCERT Books of Class 10
* Super Offline Mode : Once Downloaded No Internet Connection Required.
* Very Small Pdf Size and Fast Downloading of all books.
* In Built fast pdf Reader for smooth reading.
* Very Easy to use Interface and with category wise books.
* Help your friends by sharing screenshot directly.
* Full screen mood view in this app screen.
* Original PDF page.
#Ncert books
#Class 10 all books
#Ncert All Books
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