National Pharmacies APP
With the National Pharmacies app you can:
Link your membership
Link you National Pharmacies membership to the app to access your digital card.
Order medications
Order your repeat medications ahead of time and pick them up in your chosen National Pharmacies store.
Track your scripts
See all your scripts automatically in one place, including repeats remaining, personalised dose instructions and complete medication information. Snap and send feature allows you to take a photo of your scripts and upload via the app to send to your Pharmacists.
Receive medication reminders
Be reminded about when to take your medications, when to fill a script at the pharmacy or when to see your doctor. We help you to remember so you don’t need to.
Care for others
Add children, spouse or elderly parents medications to your account so you can easily track, manage and order their medications too.
***NOTE: Setting up an account is FREE but must be approved by your pharmacist to connect your medications to your profile and be able to place orders.
Your personal prescription data will always be kept private, with advanced encryption and security features***