Naegele - pregnancy calculator APP
On start Screens (Horizontal swipe):
1) Dating with LMP Screen: Calculations are based on the last menstrual period. Besides calculating the due date and gestational age several other weeks are calculated.
2) Menu screen
Menu Screens (Longitudinal swipe or back button – to go back):
1) Dating with USG screen: Ultrasound measurement result as weeks and days used for calculations
2) Dating with CRL screen: CRL measurement result as mm used for calculations
3) Dating with IVF screen: Embryo transfer date and the age of the embryo in days used for calculations
4) Dating with due date screen
5) Discrepancy calculation screen: Calculates the difference and degree of discrepancy between LMP gestational age and calculated LMP from the ultrasound measurements
6) Dating with HC – head circumference screen
7) Dating with SFH – symphysis fundal height screen
8) Institute of Medicine pregnancy weight gain chart screen
9) hCG doubling time calculator screen
10) Intergrowth-21st gestational weight gain calculator screen
11) Bishop score calculator screen
12) Settings screen
Through the share icon, current screen can be shared as an image without any ads with other programs, such as mail or WhatsApp. There is no need for the reset function because all the results are updated when the calculate buttons are pushed. However, the reset function can also be used to initialize the screen.
Application works offline. Only banner advertisements are present in the application interface at the top of the window. Of note, there is no year selection which is handled by the application. By tapping the result labels, all of the calculated results can be text-copied to the clipboard.