Nadilux GMAO APP
The inventory of assets is classified according to the type of maintenance and assets, allowing the creation of templates with specific fields according to the characteristics of each, adapting to any type of asset.
All the functions of NADILUX GMAO allow to control, through an efficient and complete database, the decision-making process quickly, flexibly and with objective criteria, adapting to any type of business sector.
It also allows the creation and personalization of the tasks indicating the type of data that we want to control and its periodicity, with this we can program future actions that we want to perform, adapting to any regulations or maintenance plans required.
To learn more:
-Asset Management:
NADILUX GMAO allows the user to have a complete inventory of the assets classified by types of maintenance and assets relating them to each other, as well as the possibility of updating them at any time.
-Control of incidents:
It allows the introduction of incidents without the need of having advanced technical knowledge, allowing an asset to be assigned, locating it by its location, type of asset, characteristics or by means of a unique identification code.
- Corrective, preventive and predictive maintenance:
From this module the user will be able to select the installation in which they will perform the maintenance work, the asset or assets, operators, materials, problems, solutions and the control of the time invested.
It allows the creation and personalization of the tasks indicating the type of data that we want to control and its periodicity, with this we manage to program future actions that we want to perform adapting to any regulations or maintenance plans required.
By being able to define in the tasks the measurement of various parameters and alarms, it will allow us to anticipate the failures before they occur.
-Documentary management:
It allows to attach images and documents in the different screens of the platform.
From this App the user can easily inventory the different assets allowing the selection of assets templates already defined in the platform, speeding up the introduction of data.
-App Operators:
From the mobile device, the user can perform the work order corresponding to the corrective and preventive maintenance assigned by the technical office, it also allows the creation of new detected incidents and new work orders.
-Portal client:
Web access portal with the corporate image of the company where customers can access, to introduce new incidents and view asset inventory.
- ERP synchronization
NADILUX GMAO synchronizes transparently with the ERP Sage software.
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