N8 Ofish APP
As a fisherman, you can now use N8 Ofish to manage climate-related risks when you set out sailing and come home safely with a catch.
Using satellite imagery and calculations, N8 Ofish provides daily advisories of potential fishing zones (PFZs) and hyperlocal weather forecasts. There are other exciting offerings such as Algae Bloom data and tidal data and we are constantly working on new features such as ocean currents etc. You can try the app for 3 days. If you need help with how the app works or more "free trial days" to see for yourself, just give us a call on our phone numbers.
N8 Ofish also provides you with a great way to manage all of your fishing trips, save your favorite routes securely and only for yourself, and log your catches to help you better plan your day and trips. With N8 Ofish, you can manage your crew and vessel's data safely and securely. Your data belongs only to you.
N8 Ofish is indeed your friend and guide at sea.
Numer8, the company behind N8 Ofish, also supports fishermen and their families in other ways. We have products that allow you to sell your fish through us to make a better profit, and we also help you get financial assistance for your family. Give us a call and our team will advise you depending on your port and state.
Numer8 supports the fishing industry to use sustainable and environmentally friendly fishing methods and promotes traditional fishermen. It promotes food safety and price transparency through a traceable supply chain and helps small and medium fishermen to be profitable in their daily business.