LoTW Look allows Amateur Radio Operators to browse and search their Logbook of the World (LOTW) QSL confirmations on their Android device, and to automatically receive notifications when new QSL confirmations appear on LoTW. No more logging into the LoTW web site daily to check for a confirmation from that rare DX, with LoTW Look a notification will appear on your phone/tablet.
LoTW Look uses your LoTW web site username and password to periodically access LoTW web services and collect QSL data from LoTW. You must have a Logbook of The World login to use LoTW Look.
Please note that N1KDO's LoTW Look does not allow you to upload logs to Logbook of The World. This tool simply displays your QSLs (matches) on Logbook of The World. Again: you must have a Logbook of The World account set up in order to use this app.
This app is designed to be very lightweight on your device. Typical installed size for the app and the database of the most recent QSLs is under 3MB. Polling for new confirmations can be set for "never", or one of every 4, 6, 12, or 24 hours. Polling is deferred when the device is "sleeping" to help conserve battery life.
LoTW Look is complete free, it collects no data, shares no data, and has no advertising. Your LoTW credentials are only used to update QSL data from Logbook of the World.
The source code for LoTW Look is distributed under BSD "2-clause" license at https://github.com/n1kdo/LoTWLook
N1KDO is not affiliated with ARRL or Logbook of the World in any manner other than that N1KDO is a member of ARRL and is a LOTW user.