N-Alerts APP
• Share intelligence
• Control Fake news
• Prevent Crime
• Prevent Election violence
• Prevent ‘’One Chance”, kidnapping etc
• Prevent fire outbreak
• Control fake fire distribution
• Control crime associated with airport taxi etc
• Prevent private vehicles from picking commercial passengers
N-Alert mobile app is a human interface to access prompt response or help in emergency situation , receive safety precaution, enhance preparedness to emergency and boost timely response to emergencies .
2. N-Alert is also designed to assist in solving the problem of gender Based violence most especially in our higher institutions of learning. This feature code name SGBV will enable student anonymously report ;
i. Incidence of sex for grade
ii. Student prostitution
iii. Cultism
iv. Other sexual harassment complaints
3. N-Alert election monitoring enable the general public participate in election monitoring by sharing intelligence, report situation such as ;
i . Departure time for sensitive material from Local Government
ii. Arrival of election materia
iii. Commencement time for accreditation
iv Commencement of voting
v. Report violence or peaceful conduct etc
These report from the public is simultaneously confirm from the security operative in those areas to prevent violence etc
3.N-Alert Fire reporting provide a real-time video and audio reporting of fire incidents to the nearest fire service . The purpose of this content is to reduce response time to fire . The content also contain the proposed fire extinguisher prevention tool, which enable the public purchase genuine fire extinguisher from registered and accredited vendors. This will solve the problem of fire extinguisher failure and provided automatic reminder of owners for servicing or replacement.
4.N-Alert SEE Something Do N-Alert allow the public report Crime and incidence on real-time base for prompt response to emergency
5.N-Alert. Fake news prevention allow the public asked relevant government agencies question on genuine or facts about rumors to prevent public disorder
6. N-Alert. News is a trending and genuine security news from relevant security agencies . This enable the punks to get reliable news on matter of National security.
7.N-Alert Road Crime reporting content provides opportunities for the public to use the propose Federal Ministry of transportation interface for passengers to prevent themselves from falling victim of one chance, kidnapping and other associated crime with road transportation in airport and every sector in Nigeria . This feature is also intended to boost the business of Nigeria road transport operators by preventing private vehicles from picking commercial passengers and reduce exposure of passengers to crime and criminality.
8. N-Alert Escapes reporting provide opportunity for the public to report fleeing and wanted escape , terrorism and suspected criminals. Public can use same to report suspected person with unexplainable wealth etc
9. N-Alert Fake uniform verification (about to be launch) provides opportunity for the public to authenticate and report hoodlum who impersonates Private security guards to commit crime etc
10 N-Alert Application program Interface(API) provide security technology Service provider a medium to integrate their product to government response platform . This is an all inclusive approach to managing security alert services . This will help deliver the distress alert from various panic buttons, burglary alert , electric fence to the joint security response platform etc