With a desktop site, MyUoL provides access to university data for a seamless experience. Any changes you make to the mobile dashboard on your desktop will be synced to the mobile to make personalisation super easy.
Features include:
• My Calendar - Full access to timetables so you can see where you need to be and when.
• Campus Map - Find your way across campus
• Library Account - Keep up to date with your borrowing history and reservations.
• Courses - See which courses you are enrolled on and access through Blackboard.
• Find a PC - Find out easily where available PCs are on campus.
• Newsroom - Keep up to date with the latest university news.
• Twitter Feeds - Follow the union and university updates so that you don’t miss out on events and notices.
• Feedback - Tell us what you think of your university experience throughout the year.
• Attendance - Track and monitor your attendance.