mySmartControl APP
Advanced options
Of course the system can be armed and disarmed with the app. But besides that it’s also possible to bypass a (malfunctioning) sensor. So the system still can be armed. This option is rarely used on the normal keypad but now easily available.
The status of the complete system and individual sensors is real-time available.
The app is suitable for home and business use. In the app you can have multiple sites you can control. So it’s easy to control your home, office or sportsclub’s alarm system and receive alarms.
The mySmarControl app is brand independent. In the compatibility list on our website is a full list of systems currently supported systems can be found.
But there will be more, the app will soon be expended with new options for example alarm verification, tabled/ipad support, messaging and smartwatch support.
Using the cloud service which includes the use of the app is subject to the following conditions and restrictions; Although mySmartControl has taken all necessary steps and precautions to ensure availability and operation of its services and products, it cannot guarantee the availability and proper functioning at all times. Any liability for any damage resulting from the access, use or not having full available of these services and products is emphatically disclaimed by mySmartControl.