With our booking and shopping app, you can book services and products anytime, anywhere from your mobile device.
Explore nearby local businesses, check ratings and reviews from other users, and search for businesses by category. You can also see the best selling services and products and quickly book appointments.
Do you need a reminder for your appointments?
No problem, MyRes will send you reminders so you never miss an important appointment. Also, accumulate points on every purchase you make and exchange them for discounts and special promotions.
Are you looking for offers and promotions?
MyRes allows you to see current business promotions and take advantage of them to save on your purchases.
Online payments
And if you prefer to pay online, MyRes allows you to make payments safely and easily. Forget having to call to ask for prices or wait in line to pay, our application allows you to buy and pay directly from your mobile device.
But it's not just easy for customers, it's also easy for businesses. Businesses can easily manage their services and products on our platform, and accept online payments with ease. Businesses can also see the availability of their employees and schedule appointments according to their schedule.
In short, MyRes offers a quick and easy way to reserve and purchase services and products at users' favorite local businesses. Download MyRes today and enjoy an easier and more convenient user experience. Book services and products anytime, anywhere, receive appointment reminders, earn points for discounts and special promotions, and pay safely and easily online.