myNEWS Malaysia APP
How to become a myNEWS member
1. Grab a myNEWS Card at any outlet**.
2. Download myNEWS MY App and create a myNEWS App Account by registering your myNEWS Card to the App.
3. Your are now a member. Happy Shopping!
Cashless Transaction and Earn myPOINTS*
Store value in myNEWS Card or App for cashless payment, greater speed and convenience. Also, earn myREWARDS and myPOINTS* at the same time!
Earn and Redeem Rewards
Get special member's price, offer and bonus points* on selective merchandises. Also, turn your myPOINTS* into coupons for further discounts and offers.
myNEWS Membership Ranking Level
Receive additional myPOINTS* and rewards when you reach Gold and Platinum level.
Manage Account
Easily track and manage your myPOINTS*, myREWARDS, card balances, funds transfer and transaction history on myNEWS MY App.
*Except for any reload services, starter packs, bill payment, courier services and money changing services.
**Not applicable to outlet located at Senai International Airport.