Chemical Park Gendorf App - location navigation, parking space occupancy and news

Latest Version

Jul 24, 2024


Chemical Park Navigation: A practical navigation app for the eastern Bavarian Chemical Park Gendorf from InfraServ Gendorf.

It offers destination search and navigation through the chemical park for trucks and cars and shows, among other things, unloading points. Navigation (destination search and route calculation) is only possible if you are in the immediate vicinity of the chemical park (geofence). The location of the smartphone is therefore required for navigation. You will receive information about the destination when registering at the central gate.

The navigation was developed for offline operation (offline route calculation). This means that all required data (map material, navigation data, app version) is synchronized and saved locally when the app is started. This means that navigation works even with limited network reception.

Parking space occupancy:
Publicly accessible parking spaces and employee parking spaces around the chemical park are marked on a map. The measured free parking spaces are displayed for the selected parking space. No location is required for this feature. However, the display of the current occupancy only works in online mode. It is updated manually with a tap or automatically every few minutes.

Chemical Park News:
The app also offers the option of displaying news about the chemical park. The coloring of the messages makes it easier to distinguish between a warning message and normal information.
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