A Demo App for myclimate showing the process of calculating carbon footprint.

Latest Version

Nov 27, 2020
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MyClimate APP

Present lifestyles of human beings on this planet, we call Earth, is using fossil fuels in exponential quantities. Fossil fuels consists of mainly of oil, gas and coal as sources of energies that are mined or drilled from Earth.
The burning of these fuels is increasing the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere more than the capacity of geo-environment to absorb it back in order to keep an equilibrium. Thus, the result is a constant increase in the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere.

The fossil fuel consumption was around 50 million metric tons in ~1840s (beginning of industrial revolution) that has exponentially increased to above 8,000 million metric tons by 2010. The average CO2 level in the atmosphere before industrialization was ~280 ppm that has now reached up to 400 ppm and rising. The extra CO2 in the atmosphere is trapping the sun heat within the atmospheric shield and gradually increasing the overall temperature on earth's surface. This we are already experiencing throughout the world with higher summer temperatures than the averages. It is presumed that the average world temperatures will rise by over 2 to 6.4 degrees by 2100. This shall trigger more frequent floods, droughts, melting of icecaps and threatening species extinction.

The term Carbon Footprint is the measure of our direct emissions of CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels including domestic energy consumption and transportation plus the indirect CO2 emissions from the whole lifecycle of products we use in terms of tons of kgs of CO2 equivalent.

This App gives you the chance to calculate your carbon footprint and know how much we as individual are contributing towards greenhouse gases.

Download this App and get to know some interesting facts.
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