MyBluenergy APP
- follow the progress of the activation of your supply, electricity and / or gas;
- monitor your electricity and gas consumption;
- group your supplies, in the way you prefer, based on the house they provide, or the type of energy, or as you wish;
- contact us through the channel that is most congenial to you;
- switch a further supply on Bluenergy;
- modify your personal data;
- manage with one access, after having authenticated yourself, the supplies of other people dear to you;
- consult and download the bill;
- change the power of your supply;
- send a gas self-reading;
- request a quote for all Bluenergy products that you could defer in convenient installments on your bill: a high-efficiency condensing boiler to reduce consumption, a class a +++ air conditioner, a water dispenser to avoid having to consume more plastic bottles and drink water microfiltered "mayor's" water, always cold and even sparkling, electric bicycles to reduce traffic and pollution in the city and many other products aimed at making your daily life increasingly sustainable.
We will work constantly to improve this App and make it more and more a useful tool for you who are our customer, or for you who will become one.
And if you want to give us some advice on the App write to