MyAtlas - Carnet de voyage APP
MyAtlas, this is for you:
* An easy journey to tell, step by step
* Your photos automatically displayed mosaic
* The ability to create steps even without internet connection
* A travel blog also searchable on the Web
* Easy travel blog to share via email or Facebook
* Notifications when people comment your travel book
And your loved ones the opportunity to:
* Subscribe to your travel blog and be notified by email of new steps you post
* Comment on every step of your travel blog
And when you're not traveling, find new ideas for future trips discovering the most beautiful community of travel blogs.
With MyAtlas also easily organize your future trips using our planner and our circuit examples inspired by the travels of our community. Create your circuits and find the app on while traveling, even offline!
Finally, MyAtlas is a large community of passionate travelers and bloggers exchange.
We regularly improve the application for MyAtlas is a perfect companion for your trips and vacations.
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