MyAgri APP
Information on vegetable seeds
Information on vegetable crop cultivation
Information on counting plant fertilizers
Information on pests and diseases of vegetable crops
Information on pest and disease control of vegetable crops
Information on spraying pesticides
Information on agricultural machinery tools
Postharvest information
Market information
Question and answer with experts via whats up
video information on vegetable cultivation
This application can run on your tablet and cellphone.
This application aims to facilitate farmers in increasing vegetable crop production using the concept of IPM (Integrated Pest Management) in this application there is information on types of pests in vegetable plants and prevention by using a database of appropriate pesticides that have been developed based on pesticide guidebooks from the republic's agriculture ministry Indonesia. In addition, farmers can find out information about commodity prices in the market based on the location where they live, so farmers can sell commodity prices of vegetables effectively not to be deceived again by middlemen. There is a question and answer between farmers and vegetable crop experts from BALITSA (Vegetable Crops Research Institute) under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, regarding information on vegetable cultivation. Availability of video vegetable cultivation for independent learning farmers applying vegetable cultivation. This application has been downloaded by 10 thousand more vegetable farmers in Indonesia, most users come from West Java, Enrekang South Sulawesi even from abroad such as neighboring Malaysia has downloaded this application, this application gets sponsorship from Wageningen University in the Netherlands and has been published in the Journal of Agriculture in Europe.