My15 APP
If the center 15 of the department you are calling is equipped eRm control software EXOS the MY15 app instantly transmit when calling the information you pre indicated (personal data: date of birth, weight, sex and important health data to know: Allergies, chronic diseases and treatments) and your exact geo-location, saving valuable time in the UAS.
Pre indicated data can also involve members of your surroundings (family, neighbor, colleague, etc ...)
You will also have the opportunity, during your call, to send pictures to the SAMU Center 15 to improve the assessment of the situation.
All personal data is resident on your mobile and will be processed by the Center 15 to constitute the record of your call.
These data are strictly confidential and used in the management of the context of your file, they will in no case disclosed to third parties for which as use whatsoever.