My PrEP tracks your protection status (when PrEP starts protecting you and it ends), as well as the number of pills you have to take. Nothing to think about anymore: just follow the app.
Also, the app offers an optional subscription My PrEP+ giving you access to additional features like the tracking of your intercourses. The app will compute the protection status of each intercourse, allowing you to know if you must continue PrEP or if you can stop it. This monthly subscription can be stopped at any time.
Also, My PrEP records and gives you access to all your doses and intercourses through a timeline, and to statistics about your sexual life and the way you use PrEP. It's the last app you need for your PrEP!
Finally, because privacy is key, all data is stored locally on your phone. The app doesn't need the internet to send you reminders. It works perfectly in flight mode. Moreover there is no analytics, no tracking, no cookies, to ensure maximum security. Your privacy is respected and protected.
/!\ Warning: only cisgender men and trans women dosing schedule is supported for now. /!\