My E-Com App APP
End customer can get various list of products with different view mode and can purchase and schedule there order delivery.
- Login and registration functionality
- Side menu with Offer Zone , all categories in accordion view and user account.
- Search Facility.
- Sliding Banners and Advertisement Banners.
- Product filtration with multiple basis like Brand, Price, Discounts, etc.
- Product listing and Sorting with title and price.
- Product detail page with add to cart.
- Immediate Quantity change on add to cart.
- Cart link with floating icon on every screen showing the total no of items.
- Cart update with items add/remove.
- Checkout Address Selector with add more billing and shipping address.
- Delivery option selector with Shipping methods, Date and Time.
- Coupon redeem interface on place order screen.
- Multiple payment method selector on place order screen.
- Each section is separated in different controller and services for easy reusability.
- All data is fetched from API .
- Fully fledged Ecommerce Functionality.
- User Interaction Screens with Signup and Login.
- User Location screen with current and manual location functionality .
- Dashboard screen.
- Interactive Side menu with multi level accordion categories.
- Product List with Filter and Sorting.
- Product Search.
- Shopping Cart Update.
- Cart Checkout with Billing Shipping.
- Cart Delivery Options.
- Place order screen with Coupon and Payment Options.
- Order Success Screen.