Track your Attendance by saving your data in CLOUD.Sync your data across devices

Latest Version

Aug 7, 2021
Google Play ID

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My Attendance APP

Are you a Student? It's probably for you!

This app helps you to mark and manage your attendance. All the attendance you mark is automatically uploaded to Cloud . So there's no question of loosing your data .


- SIMPLE AND COLORFUL UI --> Colorful buttons with dark background gives you a glow to the app
- CLOUD STORAGE --> All the attendance you mark will be automatically saved to cloud. So you never lose your data even if you uninstall your app or format your mobile.
- SYNC DATA ACROSS DEVICES --> As data is saved in cloud, you can sync your attendance across devices or mark your attendance in another phone logged in with your account.
- PIE CHART ANALYTICS --> Attendance percentage is shown in Pie Charts. This app gives you complete analytics(Total Classes , No. of Working days, etc) of your attendance.
- ATTENDANCE TIMELINE --> Timeline shows you the history of when you are present or absent.
- DATE INTERVALS --> Want to know your attendance percentage for a particular month? Select date intervals in which you want to get attendance percentage.
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