MusicPro APP
Send your music and videos to the main digital platforms and choose the distribution package that best suits your profile. Generate and optimize revenue with your original content.
Get closer to your fans and have direct contact with them: Use resources to transform your fans into followers subscribed to your contact list. Send emails, SMS or smartphone notifications to your circle of followers easily and centrally.
Consolidate results from different partners and sources in one place: platforms, distributors, record labels, publishers, recording partners, musical participations, producers, etc. You no longer need to log into multiple accounts to get a complete analysis of your performance.
Easily share custom reports and recipes with your partners and rights holders.
Other MusicPro functions:
- Customized reports: Export consolidated and customized reports;
- Revenue sharing: share revenue and personalized reports with partners;
- Digital Backup: Music catalog backup with export and import via CSV;
- Catalog 360: Consolidation of results from different sources, through import via CSV, reports sent by partners, record labels, publishers, distributors, etc.
- Team Management: Tool to insert different administrators for independent artists and record labels;
- Quick feedback: Receive notifications about the progress of each release and performance of the digital catalog.
- Launch Optimizer: Follow our virtual assessor's checklist to improve your digital launch. Proposal for content curators on the main digital platforms.
- Integration for digital launch and press relations: Simplified integration for sending releases and promotional content to consultancy platforms, distributors and press agencies.
Surprise yourself with the new. Be part of the new era of independent music. MusicPro Digital.
*This app may request audio playback in the background so artists can listen to your content.
Terms of use:
- Leave your opinion or tip about new features and improvements.