Muni APP
The following communities are participating so far:
From the Straubing-Bogen district:
Aholfing, Aiterhofen, Ascha, Atting, Falkenfels, Feldkirchen, Haibach, Haselbach, Hunderdorf, Kirchroth, Konzell, Leiblfing, Loitzendorf, Mitterfels, Neukirchen, Oberschneiding, Parkstetten, Rain, Rattenberg, Rattiszell, Salching, Sankt Englmar, Stallwang, Steinach, Strasskirchen , Wiesenfelden and Windberg.
From the Dingolfing-Landau district:
Mengkofen and Simbach
From the Passau district:
Büchlberg, Fürstenstein, Neukirchen vorm Wald, Ruderting, Salzweg, and Tiefenbach, Tittling and Witzmannsberg
From the Freising district:
Report on everything that happens in and around your club. With Muni you can announce (or even cancel) events, address new members and report on club life.
You can invite several club members to maintain the content of your profile together. If you want to present several departments or areas, you can create as many sub-profiles as you want.
Quickly and easily send important breaking news and danger warnings, inform about the work of the administration and announce events - even in other communities. And the citizen service provides all the information you need for your next visit to the authorities.
Whether citizen information, urgent notices or events: with Muni, district offices can reach residents throughout the district - or, if necessary, only in selected locations.
The district's facilities are displayed in every municipality within the district. The citizen service contains all information about the services provided by the district office.
Present your company on Muni – completely free! Provide information about your offer and announce your opening times.