Multiplication Table Learning GAME
Times Tables Game (Multiplication) is a fun way for children to practice and learn the multiplication tables by heart. The gameplay is carefully designed, with the help of children, teachers and educational experts. Kids love practicing their times tables with this app.
Times Tables Game is an educational app. Its objective is to aid in learning the times tables by heart. Anywhere, anytime, fun and easy!
Not every child finds it easy to learn all the tables, so it is a good idea to keep on practicing them regularly after you learned them. There are a few tricks which make it easier to learn the tables and continue to master them, such as putting the smallest number first, which makes it easier for many children to answer correctly.
There are three difficulty levels - Easiest for kids to the most advanced for adults. We can guarantee you’ll enjoy practicing over and over again.
Learn math and times tables while playing! Help your child make progress in school math.
If you have some problems or suggest to make this game better, please contact us!