Multi-Color Picker APP
■ Create/extract colors in various ways
・Color picker (circle and square) can create colors sensuously.
・Color can be created from numerical values with the Seek bar.
・Extract colors from a photo.
・Create a gradient from two different colors and extract colors from it.
・Create colors randomly (pastel and vivid colors are supported).
■ Easy to check created/extracted colors
・The created/extracted colors can be easily saved.
・When saving, categories and notes can be specified, making it easy to manage.
・When saving, you can specify categories and notes, making it easy to manage.
■ Split screen can be created with created/extracted colors.
・Create split screens from 2 to 4 different colors.
■ Always perform conversion of color values
・Always convert and display RGB, HEX, CMYK, and HSV.
・Color values can be easily copied.
・Complementary and opposite colors can be displayed.
■ Easy-to-use features
・Supports about 10 languages.
・Supports dark mode.
★★★★ Precautions ★★★★
・Color conversions are subject to theoretical errors.
★★★★ From the developer of "Multi-Color Picker" ★★★★
Thank you for taking a look at the application description.
I often draw pictures as a hobby, but I often have a hard time deciding which colors to use, so I decided to create an app that would be easy for me to use.
I wanted to create an app that would be easy to use, so I decided to create an app that would be easy for me to use. This app allows you to create colors in a variety of ways, and I believe it will help you make decisions about colors through the color split screen and list of saved colors.
Since I created this app on my own, I would be very grateful if you could give me a review saying "I want this kind of function" or "This function is easy to use". I would also appreciate it if you could recommend it to your acquaintances and various people through social networking sites.
★★★★ Supported Languages ★★★★ ]
・Tiếng Việt