mticket Tadao APP
Forget your wallet, with the mticket buy and validate your titles directly on the stickers present inside the bus. Just flash the QR-Code or present your smartphone equipped NFC.
A beep confirms the validation and a display of information about the current movement appears on the screen. In case of control, it is sufficient to present the screen of the smartphone to the driver or the controller.
A proof is downloadable for each purchase made directly from the application in the menu my purchases.
The Tadao mticket service has many advantages:
• Easy: Always at your fingertips 24/24, the smartphone serves as a new title support (s) and validates.
• Convenient: No more need for money, payments are made by credit card on a secure server!
• Simple: Tadao tactics work like any other Tadao title (valid for one hour, allowed matches). It is mandatory to validate, including correspondence.
• Ecological: By using Tadao mticket, it's less paper tickets printed.