MTG Builder GAME
You can use functions such as card search, deck management, deck list output for MTG Arena, and deck registration sheet output.
Card images, deck lists including those for MTG Arena and deck registration sheets can be shared with friends using the share function to attach and send to SNS, e-mail, etc.
You can use to adjust the deck for the tournament.
If you have any problems, please contact the e-mail of the developer.
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Overview of MTG Builder
・ Card search screen
- Easy card search by basic parameters such as card name, oracle, format, card set, color, mana cost, type, rarity, power and toughness
- Card image download function for each card set
・ Deck list screen
- Deck test function
- Shield deck construction function
- Format selection (Manage decks for each format)
- Add new deck, delete deck, duplicate deck, change deck image
- Deck import fuction
- MTG Arena deck list output, share function
- Output and share of deck registration sheets used in official tournaments such as Grand Prix
- Deck list display function, share function
- .txt, .dec, .mwDeck, .cod format text file output function
・ Deck editing screen
- Switch between mainboard area and sideboard area
- Drag and drop a card from the card list at the top of the screen to add a card to the deck
- Drag and drop a card from the deck display screen to the card list to delete the card from the deck
・ Option screen
- English, Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish language settings can be switched.
- The card image of the selected language is displayed