Create awareness of mother regarding the need of sports

Latest Version

Nov 30, 2021
Google Play ID

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Mothers for Fitness & Sports APP

Objective: To promote healthy living, nutrition, fitness and sports so as to create awareness of mother regarding the need of sports as part of a healthy lifestyle.


The main purpose of building this application is to promote healthy living, nutrition, fitness and sports so as to create awareness of mother regarding the need of sports as part of a healthy lifestyle. A mother and women group will be formed in each village named “Maa, Swastha aur Khel”.
Meetings will be conducted twice a month. The awareness meetings will be held fortnightly with specified topics for each meeting. The main focus of these meetings will be to create awareness among women about Sports facilities, forms about projects, jobs, awards in sports and fitness and get them registered on the app.
The content in the app will include the detail of games, medals, level of competitions organized for that specific games etc. The content will also include information on reservation of sports quota/ sports policy in the recruitments in various departments etc.
The mother/women find all the nearby Sports facilities/ Coaches in the app under the manu “Facilities/Coach”. The facilities can be filtered by the radius or by the name of the coach.
The coach details like Contact Number, Email address, designation etc will also be available.
All the nearby Sports events/trainings can be found under the menus “Events” and “Training” respectively. Both events and training can be filtered with respect to the radius. Under the menu “My Groups”, all my groups list will open, clicking on which will open the specific chat of the group.
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