Motherload APP
Let’s have our hallway conversations. Talk with the moms you pass daily… which may seem intimidating in person but is not as awkward on our phones. These tend to be the moms who are your neighbors and have done the same research because they have kids the same age as yours and share similar values to you. These are the moms who look like they have it all together, but once you start talking, share that they cried on the drive to school and have befriended dry shampoo, too. These are the conversations you have at the table when you go to a moms group; even though your to-do list is a mile long and you “shouldn’t” have gone, you’re so thankful you went and wish it would never end.
What if every mom came to one place for everything, and motherhood didn’t feel like rocket science or never-ending boot camp? And moms in this community – regardless of politics, education, or income, etc. – were unified in their love for their children, despite being different from each other? What if instead of only connecting on our phones, we found the best of all things local and actually did things together, in-person? And what if when you moved or traveled, you just updated your zip code and were instantly connected to the local community of moms? What if we acknowledged that we are human and can’t have and do it all, but when we share our resources, experiences, and knowledge, we are unstoppable? What if we became the greatest stewards ever – never wasting a single story, experience, or item – but passing it on to another mom that needs it? What if we were like an army, with eyes on every block, in every store, and on every child and family, and all of us had a fellow mom nearby to respond to our SOS?
Let’s create the greatest community ever… so when a woman gets pregnant for the first time, she feels elated not only by the miracle of the little baby but also by knowing she will experience family, surrounded by moms who care and want her to not only survive but also to live abundantly!