More Than Book APP
For now, as much as 12 people, psychologists, pedagogues, educators and child development specialists are in our staff and that they can answer the questions of the parents who benefit from our application by e -mail, our goal is to increase our expert staff to 50 people by the end of 2022.
We went on the road with voice anime book series, but our brand will not remain an entertainment portal and application that creates special content for children! Our biggest goal is to be a giant anime book library in a short time.
After entering the broadcast, an average of at least 8 - 12 books will be uploaded to the system every month and will be a preferred application with at least 200 fun -filled anime books by the end of the year.
In the short and medium term, under the leadership of pedagogues, educators and child development experts, to support the development of children, to create an entertaining and educational digital anime book library consisting of hundreds of books, and to create a difference in the digital broadcasting sector with tens of thousands of users.