Moonlyte APP
Sign Up & Profile
- Register for Free on India's first freelancing platform
- Sign up with Facebook or Google credentials for automatic email verification
- Create and complete your profile.
- Search relevant projects according to your preferred skills
- Apply to multiple projects and track your applications
- Shortlist and save projects you want to apply later
- Get notified when a business is offering
- Accept and get onboarded onto Projects
- Get paid on your milestone completion on the platform
- Manage your milestones with Milestone Extension and Milestone Cancellation options
- Rate your experience with the project and provide your feedback
- Track your projects based on the status
- Find and track all your Project and Convenience fee invoice based on the payment status
- Download your invoices
- Read and gain Insights, Tips & Trends for freelancers and businesses
Moonlyte assures freelancers Payment Guarantee. So, why wait? Go ahead and download the app for free today.