MoneyWorks APP
The application has 3 main modules: Contacts, Nomenclature, and Documents and enables managers and mobile tradesmen to check, in real time, availabilities, transactions, and balances, as well as create and edit sale and sale order documents.
It enables you to read, create, and edit contact information for customers and distributors from MoneyWorks ERP and sell or order articles directly from your phone or tablet.
MoneyWorks Mobile integrates with the basic functions of your phone to save you time:
- you can call or email your customer directly from the app;
- you can navigate to the customer's address from the app;
- you can scan the customer's loyalty card using the device's camera;
- you can also scan the article's barcode and immediately add it to the sale document;
- you can check the available articles in the warehouse;
- after saving the document, it is immediately available for all your coworkers to see;
- you can generate a confirmation or invoice and email it to the customer, or print it via mobile printer;
- all grids in the app can be customized to fit your needs - columns can be hidden or shown, resized, as well as sorted to allow you to bring the most important information forward.