momox: Vendere l'usato online APP
Scan the barcode of the item and you will immediately discover the purchase price calculated by our algorithm in real time. You will save time, money and avoid discussions with potential buyers. In addition, momox also covers the shipping costs and assumes the risk of resale. Brilliant, isn't it? 🤩
Sell your second-hand books 📚, DVDs, CDs and video games 📀 easily and intuitively by following these simple steps:
1. Scan the barcode on the items to be offered for sale.
2. momox will immediately inform you about the purchase price by providing you with a quote.
3. Add your used books, DVDs, CDs and video games to your sales cart.
4. Confirm the sale and place your items in one package.
5. Starting from a fee of 10 euros, you will receive a free shipping label and you can also request the parcel to be picked up at home. More comfortable than that!
6. Finally, after checking all second-hand used items are in good condition, momox will quickly and securely transfer the sales proceeds to your account.
Do you have old stuff to throw away? Are you tired of always keeping the usual books, DVDs, Blu-rays, CDs, vinyls and used video games on your shelves? The momox app will allow you to clean up! 🧹 Whether you sell children's books or some old school books, or just want to update your video game collection, momox is the app for you. Scan used items in seconds and instantly find out the purchase price. You can also sell second-hand video games for Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch and Wii. 🕹
Sell fast and most importantly, easily. How much time have you wasted taking thousands of photos of books, collections of DVDs, CDs and games, writing endless texts and then finding yourself with the unsold stuff still in the ads of some marketplaces? With momox it is much easier and faster: you will no longer have to stand there bargaining even the penny. You can sell your used in minutes at a fixed price, ship it for free or have it picked up at home. Get comfortable and relax. Momox takes care of the rest! 👈
Curious to know how momox determines the selling prices of used items? Well, momox uses a complex algorithm that determines the prices of books, DVDs, CDs, Blu-rays, video games and much more. The algorithm calculates current purchase prices based on current demand and competitor prices. Logistics and shipping costs are also taken into account, as well as personnel costs. 🚚
At momox the watchword is sustainability and circular economy ♻️: there is nothing more beautiful than giving a new life to things ... and with momox you can earn as well! Find a new owner for your used books, DVDs, Blu-rays, video games, games and CDs. This saves precious resources and protects the environment from a sustainable perspective, favoring the concept of circular economy.
And if we still haven't convinced you, here are 5 good reasons to download momox:
1. Sell used books, CDs, DVDs, video games easily, safely and quickly
2. No auction fees, no bargaining
3. Find out immediately how much money you make for your articles
4. No shipping costs starting from 10 €
5. Fast payment
Acting sustainably and making money as well? Sounds like a dream, but it's just momox! Download the app and start selling today.
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We appreciate any feedback and comments, but have a soft spot for positive reviews;)
We are waiting for you on momox: download the app now.
Thanks from the momox team