momox: Vender Libros y Vinilos APP
Scan the barcode of the book 📚, video game or CD 📀 and immediately discover the purchase price calculated by our algorithm in real time. Save time, earn money and avoid arguments with people who buy your products. In addition, momox also covers shipping costs and assumes the risk of resale. Brilliant, isn't it? 🤩
Sell your second-hand books on our sales platform in an easy and intuitive way by following these simple steps:
1. Scan the barcode of the items you want to sell.
2. momox will immediately inform you of the purchase price by giving you a quote.
3. Add your used items to the shopping cart.
4. Confirm the sale and place your items in a single package.
5. From a rate of 10 euros, you will receive a free shipping label and you can also request collection at your home. More convenient than that!
6. Finally, after checking all items, momox will quickly and securely transfer the proceeds from the sale to your account.
Do you have old things to throw away? Are you fed up with the same old books, DVDs, Blu-rays, CDs, vinyl and games on your shelves? The momox app will help you! 🧹 Whether you sell children's books and vinyl or want to update your video game collection, momox is the application you need. You can scan your second-hand books in seconds and immediately find out the purchase price. You can also sell second-hand video games for Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch and Wii. 🕹
Sell quickly and, above all, easily. How much time have you wasted taking a thousand photos of books, DVD collections, CDs and games, writing endless texts only to find unsold things yet in the classifieds of other markets? With momox it is much easier and faster: you no longer have to haggle for cents. You can place offers or ads and sell your second-hand video games in a matter of minutes at a fixed price, ship them for free or have them picked up at your home. Sit back and relax. momox takes care of the rest! 👈
Are you curious to know how momox determines the sales prices of second-hand books or video games? Well, momox uses a complex algorithm that determines the prices of books, DVDs, CDs, Blu-rays, vinyl, video games and much more. The algorithm calculates current purchase prices based on current demand, momox stock, and competitor prices. Logistics and shipping costs, as well as personnel costs, are also taken into account. 🚚
Sustainability ♻️ is the watchword at momox: there is nothing better than giving things a new life... and with momox, you also make money! Find a new owner for your second-hand books, DVDs, Blu-rays, video games, games, CDs, vinyl. This saves valuable resources and protects the environment in a sustainable way.
And if we haven't convinced you yet, here are 5 good reasons to download momox:
1. Sell used items easily, safely and quickly
2. No auction fees, no haggling
3. Find out immediately how much money you earn for your articles
4. No shipping costs from €10.
5. Fast payment
Act sustainably and also make money? It sounds like a dream, but it's just momox! Download the app and start selling today.
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We appreciate any opinions and comments, but we have a soft spot for positive reviews ;)
We are waiting for you at momox: download the app now.
Thank you from the momox team