Mobile NDS APP
The “National Database for Sport” (NDS) is used to manage and process all J+S courses and J+S camps as well as J+S subsidies. This application manages over 940,000 participations by children and young people in J+S courses and camps every year. The NDS now records around 100,000 hits per month.
With the NDS app, you as a J+S leader can use a reduced range of functions of the web application on your smartphone. The most important functionalities of the NDS app are:
• View open attendance checks
• Conduct attendance checks for ongoing courses/camps (overlappings are displayed)
• Record, edit and delete J+S activities (training, training days, competitions).
• View courses/stocks
• Add or remove participants from courses/camps (with the app, adding is limited to participants who have already been recorded in the NDS and were active in an offer from their own organization. New recordings are made via the NDS)
• View person details
• Manage user account and app settings (e.g. language, dark mode, biometric login)
• View the functions (e.g. J+S leader, helper) in the course and camp overview
• View all relevant recognitions, additions as well as training and further education in your personal user profile
• Before carrying out attendance checks, see safety instructions for youth training
The NDS app is regularly developed and improved.