Mobile Maintenance Tool APP
- Perform complete HART device configurations using your iPhone or iPad
- Uses the registered DD files from the FieldComm Group
- Complete access to all features of the device DD including Methods
- Monitor PV, Multi-variables, and Device Status
- View and edit device Variables
- The most cost-effective DD based handheld HART communication solution available for iOS!
- Supports HART 5, HART 6, and HART 7 devices
- Supports WirelessHART devices
- Supports HART-IP
- Supports mobiLink HART Modem
- Simple user interface
- Fast device connect and data view
- Save configurations as text file and PDF file for documenting the device
- Write configurations to new devices
- Access saved configurations from the Cloud
- No tag limits
- Wireless convenience
- Full DD library downloaded within the App
- Language support for Spanish, Portuguese, French, Swedish, German, Russian, and Chinese
- 1 Year of free DD and program updates