Mobi-Hub APP
*Virtual Sales Manager (Mobi VSM)
Register as a verified member, upload your stock (in any format) and your VSM will aim to sell it within 24 hours.
* Browse products: You can browse for the latest products posted by users of interest.
Post products: You can use this platform to share your products worldwide with available features in it. Other users can use your information to make purchase of these products by directly contacting you. Similarly people posting in requirement section, or seeking any sorts of products, you can talk/discuss with them to understand their requirement and you can interchange your products with them.
Order product : Members can view each other's post and initiate their interest in product purchase/stock purchase, and send invoice to each other by using order button.
* Develop network: You can browse for people from different domains, and follow/chat with each other, view their profile, and browse their post.
* Chat/Group chat: You can interact with other users with featured chat section in the app, you have group chat under various Marketplace topics, so similar user can get in single group to interact on common technology.
* Membership feature: This platform is exclusively for sellers/companies those who are willing to interact with other similar companies to get their business moving. Once company signs up, company has to pay amount specified on payment page and subject to verification process before activation.
* Auctions: You can put your products for auctions and let other users bid for it and if anyone is more interested, you can both do further communication to directly interchange your products and interests.
* Privacy and protection: By using our platform, you agree to our terms and conditions. To the user of this app, we provide our best effort to keep your information safe and secure, you can report any user if they bothers you, you can report any content on the platform and our team will be respond promptly. We always monitor and remove inappropriate content will be removed.
All of your content/interaction between app and services are kept secure by provided secure communication.