MO EXPRESS - It is a B2B application for retailers and semi wholesaler.

Latest Version

Sep 18, 2024
Google Play ID

MO Express APP

MO EXPRESS - It is a B2B application for merchant and semi wholesaler.
The main concept of this application is to connect the small retailer to buy all the product under one umbrella with transparency of price and effective delivery.
It also helps the retailer to order all the product from one company, as MO Express is not only catering it own manufacturing products but also the product which are very fast moving at affordable price.

MO Express is built on 3 parameters basically.

1) Effective Service: MO Express understand the need of the retailer and the financial strength of buying the product. These retailers sell product on daily basis and they rotate their capital to make a profit.
This can be done only when the rotation of the product is fast and the retailer is being served well on time.
MO Express give that benefits to the retailer so that the product reach on time.

2) Strategic Pricing: MO Express give the liberty to the retailer to check and compare the prices with other competitor application and then take their decision,
As Mo express offer decent and very competitive pricing we are always low in price and high on quality with all transparency of price which can be viewed real team from MO Express Application.

3) Product ordering: Mo Express give the upper edge to our customer when they place an order through our digital platform (Mo Express), they can monitor the status of their order to which status they have reached and when they are expected to reach the retailer shop or warehouse, The amazing part of MO Express application is we offer multiple payment gateway to our customer including COD (Cash on Delivery) which is not being offered by any other competing application.

MO Express offer free delivery.
Multiple product selection from different company and imported products
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