minerva APP
It is a best and complete management system for any school. It improves the academic standards, teacher’s efficiency, reduce the gap between parents and teachers through better communication model.
We can incorporate the branding of Schools/Colleges with our application and create a separate login for them.
• Communication by email, sms, app push notification(history of messages)
• Download study materials, homework details, worksheet and more
• Daily/Weekly Tasks and events details in their mobile app
• Exam scheduling
• Exam result with marks and grading points
• CBSC standard report card(web app)
• Fully featured time table
• Absent alert via sms automatically to the parent
• Real-time reports (CBSC compliance)
• Classroom managing
• Homeworks
• Complete school calendar
• Direct circulars and memos
• Transportation managing
• Teacher managing
• Easy to use and one-Hour installation and cloud hosting
• Fee details, due date notification, easy bill receipts
Easy to use:
Our experienced UX team provided the best user experience to help all type of people to use the app hassle free. Also our 24/7 support team will help if you have any issue. (Contact the support email id)
Better Performances:
Minerva ensures the student’s classroom activities and teachers efforts to deliver the highly standard eduction.
Happy Parents:
Parents can easily communicate with the teachers, analyse the real time progress of their wards and can track their daily activities.
It's very easy to handle their children’s accounts in Minerva. There is an option to switch account of your other ward in your app.
Customized Branding:
Schools can use this system as their own. The App can be customized with the school’s name, address, logo and other details.