MineMitra APP
MINE-MITRA App has following Components:
a) Online Citizen/Farmer e-services:- It is a responsive platform of e-services for the Farmer, Lessee, Stockiest, Transporter and Common Man.
b) Integrated Surveillance System:- It enables the District Administration and DGM to curb illegal mining practices and restrict the anomalies of mineral movement with an AI-based real-time monitoring & alert system.
c) Online Mineral Management:- It brings all stakeholders on a single platform (Lessee, Stockiest & Transporters) & adapt to the digital era and increase efficiency in functioning via Online ISTP, eMM11 & eFormC.
d) e-Commerce Platform for Minerals:- UPMineralMart.com is India's first online marketplace for minerals, connecting buyers (Common Man & Govt. Departments) with Sellers (Lessee & Stockist) & Transporters.
Mine-Mitra app ensures reliability and accuracy in all the mining processes and provides easy accessibility of minerals with equal benefit of services for the common people. It aims to strengthen, simplify and bring in transparency in all mining processes effectively and mark a step ahead towards cleaner and greener mining.